Whole30 Italian Chili

Whole30 Italian Chili

Whole30 Italian Chili I don’t know if Italian Chili is actually a thing. As a Texan born and raised, I eat a lot of chili. Many of my fellow Texans would probably raise an eyebrow at this recipe, but being a curious and creative cook means raising a few eyebrows...
My Whole30 Kitchen Essentials

My Whole30 Kitchen Essentials

My Whole30 Kitchen Essentials I grew up cooking. My mother and grandmother both cooked all the time, and taught me a lot in the process. I have really fond memories of cooking with friends like Rachel and my cousin Brittany– taping our own cooking shows in my...
Hands-Off Balsamic Tomatoes and Onions

Hands-Off Balsamic Tomatoes and Onions

Hands-Off Balsamic Tomatoes and Onions Do you like easy recipes? I like easy recipes. But more importantly, I like easy, Whole30 compliant recipes that taste like they’re complicated. One of my favorite flavor combinations is balsamic vinegar and tomatoes. Yum!...
No Fuss Oven-Baked Chicken Breasts

No Fuss Oven-Baked Chicken Breasts

No Fuss Oven-Baked Chicken Breasts I’ve found that I really love doing Whole30. I’m about to start on my third Whole30, and I really like the way it makes me feel, and how simple it is to follow. But it’s not always easy. If you’re anything...
What Whole30 Has Done For Me

What Whole30 Has Done For Me

Before Whole30 I have always struggled with being “chubby” and with an unhealthy attachment to bread and bread-like foods. Carbs were my downfall. I didn’t ever really have problems with binge eating or an obsession with sweets (candy isn’t even really that...

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